About Bearington Town

Around the main habitat of The Bearlagos, Bearington Town, there’s many daily amenities for the bears to go about their life:

BEARCADEMY – At the North-West of Bearington Town lies the main educational area in Bearington, with the Bearcademy holding classes for cubs all the way into bearhood. Our main characters attend here and the Bearcademy isn’t just for our bears to learn, it’s also the hub for you to enjoy the Bearventures series as well as learn how to become creative, imaginative fiction writers yourself.

THE SCRATCH POST (& BEARY FAST DELIVERY) – This is the post office equivalent for bears. They leave their messages in the ‘scratch post’ big central that was originally in the center of the main 5-point roundabout but was later moved next to the Bearcademy for safety reasons. Bears put their messages in the low branches of the big scratch post tree, which are then sorted out by Bubs, her assistant Bobby, and other post tree workers, and then sent to the correct places around The Bearlagos. Bears used to use the ‘post tree’ as a scratching post to release stress before other amenities like Bearobics and Pawsitive Thinking came about.

BEARINGTON BEARIDGE – Near the central roundabout of Bearington Town there’s a special bridge which plays music of live feed voice snippets from other locations in different parts of the island as you cross the bridge. The idea by the Beartist, Yo-Pic, was to lead to interactive communications around the island and send positive quotes, jokes, or just random thoughts at the time to another location, usually another bearidge, but it ended up leading towards the first main clue as to where Meeso could’ve disappeared to as the Bearventurers crossed the bridge on their way to the library to learn more about being detectives. They thought they heard Meeso’s voice and a freezeporter in the background somewhere.

SCREEN POP – The cinema and gig place of Bearington. This is where celebearities perform and where much popcorn is eaten. Oinky found a job here at the Popalicious Popcorn stand, but this was one job (of many) he couldn’t keep long as he kept eating all the popcorn instead of selling it. Heading to Screen Pop is one of best friends Eski & Oinky’s favourite pastime. Quteso likes learning here, and even Doomy is okay with it as it’s dark and he’s less ‘fraid’ when others can’t see him. Before Meeso disappeared she used to watch mystical magic shows here too. Screen Pop also has a performance arena and ‘Bearoke’ for when bears want to sing and dance and make songs. The bears try to learn from watching movies, and there’s a clue waiting here that will help them on their adventurous, detective journey.

SHAKESBEARE – There’s also a theatre for bears to watch and learn about some historical reenactments of bear events of the past, like Bearlin Wall, The Great Bearvolution, or simply Paddington Bear etc. 

BEARING ME – This is the technology and phone shop on Bearington, where bears set up emails and social media, as well as get phones (different to the ones we know) to keep in touch when they are in different places around the Bealagos. Bears don’t waste time with loads of apps, but they do have a few apps that could end up helping them on their journey. Eski, Oinky, Meeso, Doomy and Quteso all have emails and phones, but Meeso can’t be connected to, Quteso doesn’t know how to use it, Doomy is afraid of using it, Oinky always loses his and Eski got his stuck in hunney, so they are pretty useless to them, although Oinky does still have access to his email where he tries to send physical objects through it to be downloaded somewhere else through the magic words of Da Dahh, but hasn’t quite worked out that’s not possible yet, although he did ask Pensa to make it so. 

PAWSITIVE THINKING & BEAR IN MIND – Sometimes bears can get a bit down too just like humans. The bears in the Bearlagos aren’t like real-world grizzly bears, they are more like Teddy Bears with live personalities. They don’t live alone in isolation like real bears. They have thoughts, emotions, and more of a conscience and the ability to speak. They are also social like humans but aren’t totally like humans. They have ‘real bear’ tendencies too, and have similar likes and interests to real bears, so sometimes it can be hard for bears to integrate into civilized communities (bearmunities), so ‘Pawsitive Thinking’ helps them cope with different situations mentally. Bear In Mind is similar to Pawsitive thinking but teaches the bears more about their unique minds and bear psychology. Doomy was encouraged to visit here to try and get over his self-doubt and panicking shyness. You may notice some ‘paws for thoughts’ bubbles in Bearventures episodes, and this is where you, the reader, has to pause for thought and then create some Pawts (thoughts) of your own about an activity point in the story.

BEARLICIOUS MART & BEARY GOODS – Where bears go for delicious foods when they can’ get to Mount Kkool.

BEAR NIGHT MARKET – Where bears feast on delicious bear snacks from stalls once a week on Sunday.

BEARILLIANT BEARGAINS & BEAR ESSENTIALS – Where bears find great deals on household and bear-related items. Some could be useful to them on the Bearventures journey. 

BEARIGHT LIBRARY (& BOOK STORE) – Where bear come to learn about many aspects of life and history of Bearlago’s in theory. 

THE BEAR TIMES – This is the Bearington newspaper company, which is spread around all of the Bearlago’s keeping bears up-to-date with the latest events. The Bear Times can become quite useful at times to the Bearventurers, but also a hindrance as we find out later. The bears find out about different events here, like ‘BearFest’, and can learn a few things about the surrounding islands they need to check out. They also search it for clues, and Quteso makes a lucky discovery when reading the paper upside-down and backward. 

DR. BEAR & BEARTER BEARS – The GP and pharmacy for bears to feel better after being sick. Dr. Bear is where they go when need to see a doctor, Bearter Bears when they need to pick up a prescription. Oinky once had work experience at Dr. Bear, but lasted just one day as he made things worse leaving Dr. Bear twice as many patients the next day to sort out!

BEAROBICS – A fitness center for bears to keep fit, where equipment keeps breaking as some bears become so strong. Oinky also does his Zumba classes here, which he turns into Zooomba as he just dashes in different directions quickly. The bears have a special exercise called ‘Boing’ where they simply jump and chest pump each other and say Boing, and of course Bear Hugs.

BEARLY AWAKE & BEARHANDED – This is a cool, original fitness & activity center that gets the bears into shape as they wake up to special daily programs. This was originally set up by Bear Oven, along with Bearhanded, which aims to get island bears to be more resourceful and better at using their natural tools (their hands/paws) rather than becoming overly domesticated teddy bears – as he thinks bears need to keep some natural survival skills to avoid being too comfort-led.

AH ME TOOF – The bear dentist where they all hate going but have to quite a lot because of all the sweet hunney, popcorn and chocolate they eat. The dentist sells some special toothpaste which has different flavours that can remind the bears of a particular time in their past (as the smells get associated with something or some place in their life). This leads to a useful memory on their journey.

BEART GALLERY – The small art gallery displaying the best bear artwork from around The Bearlagos.

LITTLE QURIOUS & LITTLE POSIUM – There’s a small version of Qurious and Posium for younger bears within Bearington Town where they can graduate from the younger courses to gain credits to then go to the main Qurious and Posium for a good deal. You’ll find each Qurious has a unique and curious design.

EMOCHINE – There’s also an emochine within Bearington Town now, which started out in Iceso’s, and is where bears go to cleanse their cloudy minds.

CIRCUS – The circus used to be in Bearillo but has since moved to Bearington Town, and comes around every spring.

RICE FIELDS & HOT SPRINGS – The south section of Bearington Town has some rich soil making it perfect for rice to be grown in small quantities and for some natural hot springs for Bears to relax in from time-to-time.

Bassventures – Bearcademy:

The Bearcademy is a cool place for the bears to study and their school song is pretty cool too.

Bassventures – Bearington Town:

A stroll around Bearington Town and this relaxing song is likely to play at a cafe nearby, with its love of Jazz.