The Bearventures Characters
Bearventures follows a group of adventurous bears, The Bearventurers (originally Eski, Oinky, Quteso & Doomy), who are on a mission to find their recently missing friend, Meeso. Along their journey, they find help (and hindrance) from others around The Bearlagos.
We follow a group of ‘Bearventurers’ (originally Eski, Oinky, Quteso & Doomy), on a mission to find their lost friend, Meeso. Along their journey, they find help (and hindrance) from others around The Bearlagos.
I Say Little, Grunt More. It’s Mute!
‘I talk about bananas!! Only bananas. I can detect them.’
Bear Survivalist. 10/4. It’s Bear Oven!
‘I learned from my hero ‘Bear Grylls’. I’m the survivalist bear who trains the newbies.’
Cleaaan! It’s Must Be Dusty!
‘You may see me as being dusty but I’m actually quite a clean freak.’
The Mystery That Is Bear Jing!
‘I’m not from here, but you’ll learn more about that as my journey unravels.’
Listen Up Class. It’s Prof Bearstein!
‘I’ve lived a long life, learned a lot, and I pass that knowledge onto others now.’
Let’s Invent. It’s Pensa!
‘If there’s an invention for it then I’m likely the one who has made it’.
Let’s Chat. It Must Be Bubs!
‘I like to keep up with the latest gossip and information around The Bearlagos.’
Queen Of Dreams, It’s Queen Pea!
‘I’m not from here, but you’ll learn more about that as my journey unravels.’
I’m In Deep Thought…It’s Deep!
‘I’m known as quite a deep thinker. I might not always say much but you can be sure I’m thinking…
Can You Find Me? It’s Meeso!
‘I started this whole journey as my friends now look to find me, but where am I?!’
Hii, I’m Learning. I’m Quteso!
‘Hiiiii, I’m Quteso. What’s your name?! Hii, I’m Quteso’.
Ahh Fresh Air. Here’s Gom Bam Boo!
‘You’ll find me around Mt.Kkool or Bearington Town giving guides or crafting bamboo.’
Popcorn! Here’s Oinky!
‘Popcorn. Why Not! I’m the adventurous one who is always on the move thinking of new ideas and sayings.’
Master Of Catingtons. Padeski!
‘I’m Eski’s uncle, but we haven’t seen each other for so long. I’m always looking out for him.’
Do You Really Know Me? It’s Bobby
‘I’m pretty quiet. A handyman, but you probably don’t know much else about me.’
Fairy Nuff One Day, It’s Lacy The Next!
‘I’m a pretty mystical character who can be Lacy one minute and Fairy Nuff the next.’
King Of Jokes. It’s Joe King!
‘I like a joke. You could call me king of them. I’m just Joe King.’
Beware Of This Bear. It’s Dr Grizz!
‘I’m The Bearlago’s worst nemesis based in Darkwood, or am I?’
Gone Bananas. It’s Ana Nab!
‘You likely won’t ever see me, or you at least won’t realise if you do.’
Me Main Character. It Can Only Be Eski!
‘I’m the main character. Team Eski. That’s me me me. I like hunney. You can bring me some!’
What’s That? It’s Doomy!
‘Me fraid of most things, but I do love dark chocolate and caves.’